善缘医院第二季剧情简介:您正在免费观看的是善缘医院第二季第02集,善缘医院第二季2018年上映,导演是亚历克斯·温克勒,善缘医院第二季详情介绍:An unusually hot spell brings dozens of heat stroke sufferers to the hospital. Ruby faces a double baptism by fire as she performs her first operation, triumphing over both Gabriel and the domineering father of her young patient as well as taking her first solo qiwan.cc night shift. The latter is jeopardized by a power cut caused by a thunder storm, requiring emergency surgery ...
主演:娜塔莉·齐尔,欧文·马肯,希克·奥孔科沃,兹拉-戈莱茨基,Jack Martin,Veronica St. Clair,Rohan Mirchandaney,Lily Santiago,乔什· 麦肯锡,图南汀·卡梅罗,尼古拉斯·冈萨雷斯,乔恩·塞达,Sharon Brooks,Adrienne Evans,Claudia Ware